@ Berkshire 5, Trinity-Pawling 2

-- Wed. Dec. 8, 1999

By Periods:
BERKSHIRE: 1 1 3 = 5
TRINITY P.:    0 1 1 = 2
1ST PERIOD: BERKSHIRE: G - Carroll A - Tsiantar @ 9:37
2nd PERIOD: BERKSHIRE: G - Elliott A - Stack @ 12:49
Trinity Pawling: G - Gagnon A - Russo @ 13:52
3rd PERIOD: BERKSHIRE: G - Kolaric A - Carroll, Tsiantar @ 1:33
BERKSHIRE: G - Stack A - Spirk, Elliott @ 4:04
BERKSHIRE: G - Spirk A - Elliott @ 9:19
Trinity Pawling: G - Parker A - Tubb @ 11:49
GOALIES: BERKSHIRE: Daunno: Shots: 11 Saves: 10
Dvorkin: Shots: 3 Saves: 2
Trinity Pawling: LaVoie: Shots: 28 Saves: 23
STAR of the GAME: 1st Star: Stack (Berkshire)
2nd Star: Elliott (Berkshire)
3rd Star: LaVoie (Trinity Pawling)


-- Game summary courtesy of the Berkshire School