Milton 4, @ St. Sebastian's 1
Sat. Dec. 4, 1999
1st Period:
No Scoring
2nd Period:
MA -- Mark Angeloni (Rob Weller, Tom Colclough) 8:04
MA -- Josh Hennessey (Tripp Egan) 9:00
MA -- Colclough (unn.) 12:27
3rd Period:
MA -- Angeloni (Colclough, John Sullivan)* 4:43
SS -- John Sullivan* (Noah Welch) 6:19

* Both Milton and St. Sebastian's have John Sullivans. So the above is correct. St. Seb's also has a Sean Sullivan.

1st per.-- SS 9-4
2nd per. -- even 11-11
3rd per. -- MA 8-6
game totals: St. Seb's 26, Milton 23
MA -- Peter Cohen (26/25)
SS -- Dave Cacciola (23/19)