Mon. 11/24/14
Thanksgiving Jamboree Schedules
Sat. Nov. 29
Belmont Hill Jamboree
Belmont, Mass.
8:30 am – Belmont Hill vs. Winchendon
10:00 am – St. Andrew’s College vs. Proctor
1:30 pm – St. Andrew’s College vs. Winchendon
3:00 pm – Belmont Hill vs. Proctor
Rivers Jamboree
Weston, Mass.
(Mini-games, each 25-min. stop-time)
1:00 pm – Rivers vs. Pingree
1:35 pm -- Pingree vs. Thayer
2:15 pm -- Rivers vs. Thayer
Sun. Nov. 30
Proctor Academy Jamboree
Andover, NH
(30 min. stop-time games)
9:00 am -- Proctor vs. Holderness
10:00 am – Lawrence vs. Hebron
11:00 am – Stanstead vs. Holderness
12:00 pm – Proctor vs. Lawrence
1:00 pm – Hebron vs. Holderness
2:00 pm – Stanstead vs. Lawrence
3:00 pm – Hebron vs. Proctor
4:00 pm – Stanstead vs. Proctor
St. Paul’s School Jamboree (Day 1 of 2)
Concord, NH
10:00 am – Loomis vs. Groton – official NEPSIHA game
12:15 pm – St. Paul’s vs. Tabor
4:00 pm – Tabor vs. Groton
6:15 pm – St. Paul’s vs. Loomis
Mon. Dec. 1
St. Paul’s School Jamboree (Day 2 of 2)
10:00 am --- Tabor vs. Loomis -- official NEPSIHA game
12:15 pm – St. Paul’s vs. Groton
Berkshire School Jamboree
Sheffield, Mass.
Rink 1 (Olympic)
9:30 am – Berkshire vs. Nichols
11:30 am – Pomfret vs. Brunswick
1:30 pm – Berkshire vs. Northwood
3:30 pm – Canterbury vs. Pomfret
Rink 2 (NHL)
10:00 am – Kent vs. Northwood
12:00 am – Canterbury vs. Gunnery
2:00 pm – Brunswick vs. Nichols
4:00 pm – Gunnery vs. Kent
There are a few other scrimmages over the break. On Friday 11/28, St. Andrew’s College will be at Belmont Hill at 4:00 pm. On Sunday 11/30, St. Andrew’s College will be at Dexter at 10:00 am. Also on Sunday, the Rothesay Netherwood School will be at Kent’s Hill at 11:00 am.
Mon. 11/24/14
Schedules & Rosters Update
As of Mon. Nov. 24th, coaches have uploaded the following schedules. There are 55 of them, so we’re almost there. The schools in bold have been added over the last 7-10 days. We will update the list as we get more. Thank you to all who have done so.
The rosters for most of the schools listed below are up as well, though there are a handful that have yet to make final cuts.
Albany Academy, Andover, Austin Prep, Avon Old Farms, Belmont Hill, BB&N, Berkshire, Brewster, Bridgton Academy, Brooks, Brunswick, Canterbury, Central Catholic, Choate, Cushing, Delbarton, Dexter, Exeter, Governor's, Groton, Gunnery, Harvey, Hebron, Hill School, Hotchkiss, Kent, Kents Hill, Lawrence Academy, Loomis-Chaffee, Millbrook, Milton Academy, Moses Brown, New Hampton, Nichols, North Yarmouth Academy, Northfield - Mt. Hermon, Northwood Junior, Pingree, Proctor, Rice Memorial, Rivers, Salisbury, St. Andrew's College, St. George’s, St. Mark’s, St. Paul’s, Tabor, Taft, Trinity-Pawling, Vermont Academy, Westminster, Williston-Northampton, Winchendon, Worcester Academy.
Sun. 11/16/14
Prep Composite, Week of Nov. 17 to Thanksgiving
Mon. Nov. 17
Loomis-Chaffee @ Westminster, 5:00 pm (S)
Wed. Nov. 19
Brunswick @ Taft, 3:00 pm
Maine Wild @ Bridgton Academy, 3:00 pm
North Yarmouth Academy @ Berwick, 4:00 pm
Avon Old Farms @ Pomfret, 4:00 pm -- note new starting time
New Hampton @ Exeter, 4:00 pm
Stanstead College @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 4:45 pm
Millbrook @ Albany Academy, 5:00 pm (S)
Upper Canada College @ St. Andrew's College, 7:00 pm
Thurs. Nov. 20
Brewster Academy @ Governor's, 5:00 pm (S)
Fri. Nov 21
Holderness @ Vermont Academy, 4:00 pm
Hoosac @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 4:15 pm
Pingree @ Middlesex, 4:30 pm
Proctor @ Brooks, 4:30 pm (S)
Hebron @ Exeter, 5:00 pm
Rice Memorial @ New Hampton, 6:00 pm
Middlesex Black Bears @ Northwood Junior, 7:00 pm
Ulysse Prep @ Bridgton Academy, 7:00 pm
Sat. Nov 22
St. Michael's College School @ St. Andrew's College, 10:00 am
Middlesex Black Bears @ Northwood Junior, 11:00 am
Pomfret @ Tabor, 11:30 am (S)
Rice Memorial @ New Hampton, 12:00 pm
Ulysse Prep @ Bridgton Academy, 12:00 pm
Proctor @ Milton, 12:00 pm (S)
Nichols vs. Appleby College, 12:00 pm – at St. Andrew’s College
North Yarmouth Academy @ Rivers, 2:00 pm
Wyoming Seminary @ Albany Academy, 2:00 pm (S)
Delbarton @ Berkshire, 2:00 pm (S)
Berwick @ Moses Brown, 2:45 pm
Hill School @ St. Sebastian's, 3:00 pm (S)
Hotchkiss @ Brunswick, 3:30 pm
Cushing vs. Millbrook, 4:00 pm – at UMass-Amherst
Canterbury @ Williston-Northampton, 4:30 pm
Nichols @ St. Andrew's College, 8:00 pm
Sun. Nov. 23
Delbarton @ Dexter, 10:00 am (S)
Nichols vs. St. Michael's College School, 10:00 am – at St. Andrew’s College
Appleby College @ St. Andrew's College, 12:00 pm
Stanstead College @ Cushing, 1:00 pm -- new starting time is 11:00 am
Belmont Hill vs. Hill School, 1:30 pm (S) – at Harvard University
Tues. Nov. 25
Hoosac @ Albany Academy, 4:00 pm
St. Sebastian's @ Belmont Hill, 4:00 pm
Wed. Nov. 26
Rivers @ Belmont Hill, 12:00 pm (S)
Moses Brown @ Hoosac, 1:00 pm
If there are any games or scrimmages we are missing, please let us know by texting or writing or
Thurs. 11/14/14-updated 11/16
Schedules Posted
As of Sun. Nov. 16th, coaches have uploaded the following schedules. There are 43 of them, so we’re getting there.
This is what we have so far. We will update the list as we get more.
Albany Academy, Andover, Austin Prep, Avon Old Farms, Berkshire, BB&N, Bridgton Academy, Brunswick, Central Catholic HS, Choate, Cushing, Dexter, Exeter, Governor's, Groton, Hebron, Hill School, Hotchkiss, Kent, Kents Hill, Lawrence Academy, Loomis-Chaffee, Middlesex, Millbrook, Moses Brown, New Hampton, Nichols, North Yarmouth Academy, Northfield - Mt. Hermon, Northwood Junior, Pingree, Proctor, Rice Memorial, Rivers, Salisbury, St. Andrew's College, St. Paul's, Tabor, Taft, Vermont Academy, Westminster, Williston-Northampton, Worcester Academy.
Thurs. 11/13/14 -- Updated Fri. (Mon. 11/17 scrimmage added)
This Weekend’s Prep Composite
Fri. Nov. 14
The Midwest Prep Hockey League Showcase runs from Friday morning to Sun. afternoon with all games at Cairns Arena, a twin-sheet facility in South Burlington, Vermont. Games, which will count as league games, start at 9:00 am each day. There will be ten games on Friday, ten on Saturday and five on Sunday. St. Andrew’s College has left the ten-team league, and their slot is being taken by St. Michael’s College (Toronto, Ont.). The other teams in the MPHL are the Edge School (Calgary, Alb.), Rice Memorial HS (S. Burlington, Vt.), Stanstead College (Stanstead, Que.), Ridley College (St. Catharines, Ont.), Gilmour Academy (Gates Mills, Ont.), Lake Forest Academy (Lake Forest, Ill.), St. Francis HS (Athol Springs, NY), Shady Side Academy (Pittsburgh, PA), and Loyola Academy (Wilmettte, Ill.)
There is one scrimmage that we know of on Friday:
Academie St. Louis, Quebec @ New Hampton, 4:00 pm (S)
Sat. Nov. 15
Mini Founders’ League Jamboree
Hotchkiss is bringing in Salisbury, Kent, and Trinity-Pawling for a group of scrimmages on Saturday. Each contest will consist of two 20-minute stop-time periods. Penalties will be called, and the offending player will go into the box, but the teams will continue to play 5-on-5. The final ten minutes of the game will be played 4-on-4.
Here’s Saturday’s schedule. All four scrimmages, as mentioned above, are at Hotchkiss.
Salisbury vs. Trinity-Pawling, 2:30 pm (Dwyer Rink)
Hotchkiss vs. Kent, 2:30 pm (Schmidt Rink)
Salisbury vs. Kent, 4:15 pm (Dwyer Rink)
Hotchkiss vs. Trinity-Pawling, 4:15 pm (Schmidt Rink)
St. Andrew’s College will be playing a pair of scrimmages vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s HS at noon on Saturday, and again on Sunday. Both games will be played at Lawson Arena at Western Michigan University.
More games on Saturday:
Lawrence Academy @ Andover, 12:30 pm (S)
Northwood Junior @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 1:00 pm
Middlesex Bears @ Pomfret, 1:00 pm (S)
Kuper Academy @ Groton, 3:30 pm (S)
Proctor @ North Yarmouth Academy, 3:45 pm
Brewster Academy @ Exeter, 4:00 pm
Canterbury vs. Hill School, 5:45 pm (S) – at Chelsea Piers, Manhattan
Middlesex Bears @ Pomfret, 1:00 pm (S)
Sun. Nov. 16
Northwood Junior @ Cushing, 1:00 pm (S)
Middlesex Bears @ Vermont Academy, 2:30 pm (S)
Mon. Nov. 17
Loomis-Chaffee @ Westminster, 5:00 pm (S) -- this is a new addition to schedule
If there are any games or scrimmages we are missing, please let us know by texting or writing or
Sat. 11/1/14
Welcome to 2014-15
The 2014-15 Prep Pages are now officially open.
All of last season’s news, rosters, schedules, and stats have been archived, and new material will start going into this season’s pages imminently, as coaches begin to upload their team’s schedules.
We have a couple of new features in place for this season. Players’ career prep statistics, for one. All you have to do is click on a player’s name on the roster and you will see his final stats for all the seasons he played prep hockey and, of course, running totals for the current season.
We’ve also enabled readers to download rosters, schedules, and all statistics pages in PDF form, meaning the pages will look much better when printed out.
We’ve also done a lot of work on the back end, mainly behind-the-scenes stuff that you probably won’t notice beyond the fact that the site will be running smoother than ever.
Once we have a reasonable number of schedules posted, we will begin to keep you updated on which of them are actually up, so you won’t have to waste your time looking for those that have yet to be uploaded.
We will also be posting jamboree and holiday tournament schedules. Look for those to start going up over the coming week as well.
Plus, we will have the news coverage you have come to expect. Hopefully, even more.
Welcome to the new season. We're glad to be here. We’re glad you’re here. And, as always, we thank you for your support.
New England Prep Hockey News
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