Friday January 3, 2025

New Hampton 2, Lawrence Academy 2

Teams ScoringPenaltiesTeam Record*
Lawrence Academy 2 0 0 = 20-0 X-X-X
New Hampton 0 1 1 = 20-0 X-X-X
LawrenceX (Laz Giardina) 2:28
LawrenceX (Laz Giardina, X) 9:24
NHSX (Harry Rubin) 15:52
NHSX (Matthew Homer, X) 8:07
Lawrence Kolin Belliveau (59:00) X/X X (GA)
NHS Sam Zygulski (59:00) X/X X (GA)
Scoring Totals
New HamptonLawrence Academy
Jake CabralX0X
Connor PiersonX0X
Harry RubinX1X
Broden WoodX1X
Matthew HomerX1X
Laz GiardinaX2X
Ty WoodX0X
Luke Allen X0X
Gavin ThompsonX1X
* Team record is based on submitted game results as of 01/03/2025. Scrimmages are not included in displayed team record.

(Team record only includes NEPSIHA results as this is an RPI eligible game).

1 Holiday tournament games decided after 5 minute mark of OT count as a tie.